Online TDL Training
B.Sc Maths Graduate from Panjab University and PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications), Sunny has development experience of 25 years. Developing application from the days of Foxpro for DOS in 1993 to developing .NET in 2018, Sunny has been in developing business and database solutions for the last 25 years.
Started TDL development in 2005 and in last 13 years as developed vast TDL applications, T-Magic application has been developed to integrate Tally with any other data base from Excel, MS-Access, SQL Server to open source databases like My-SQL and Postgres.
T-Magic DLL developed by Sunny is useful for developers who can integrate their application with Tally without any development knowledge of Tally.
Sunny Bhatia heads North regions only Five Star Sales and Solutions partner Sunsoft IT Solutions which has developed vertical solutions for Finance Companies, Paint Manufacturer Companies, School fee management system.
TDL course designed by Sunny gives Student complete insight of development fundamentals used by programming language and student can start developing commercial applications from day one of learning this course.
Course Contents
- Introduction to TDL and its Components
- Definitions,Attributes & Modifiers,Actions,DataTypes,Operators,Special Symbols and Functions.
- Special Symbols & Prefixes
- Usage of @ and @@
- Usage of # and ##
- Usage of $ and $$
- Special symbols for Code Readability- ;, ;; and /**/,+
- Special Symbols as Definition Modifiers-#,!,*
- Dimensions & Formatting
- Dimensional Attributes
- Alignment Attributes
- Formatting Attributes
- Variables,Buttons and Keys
- Attributes & Scope of a Variable
- Adding a Button & Key o Introduction to Actions
- Objects & Collections
- Object Structure,Types and Context
- Object association
- Collection-Types & Sources
- Methods & Accessing Methods using Method Formula Syntax
- Basic Collection Capabilities-Filtering,Sorting,Searching
- Overview of Advanced Collection Capabilities-
- Extraction,Aggregation,Intergration using XML Collection etc o Detailed Object Structure for various Internal objects of Tally-In Appendix
- Actions in TDL
- Categories of Actions
- Action Association and Execution
- Global Actions-Menu,Modify Object,Create,Alter,Create,Aletr,Display Collection etc
- Object Specific Actions –Form,Part,Line and Field Actions
- User Defined Fields
- Defining,Storing and Retrieving value from UDF
- Usage of Subforms for UDF’s
- Reports,Printing and Validation Controls
- Creating various types of Reports –Tabular,Hierarchical,Column Based Reports
- Printing Techniques and Page Breaks
- Validation and Controls
- Voucher/Invoice Customization
- Case Study Approach for Customizing the default Tally Screens to meet functinal Requirements
- Case Study Approach for Invoice Print Customization Extending Tally.ERP 9 using TDL
- User Defined Functions
- Actions & New Functions
- Excel Import through Functions
- Voucher Creation and Modification through Functions
Online TDL Training Details
Teaching Language | English, Hindi & Punjabi |
Training Mode | Online (Through Skype/Team/Google Meet/Zoom) |
Course Duration | 12 Hrs (2 Days of 6 Hrs Each) (4 Days of 3 Hrs Each) |
Self Study/Practice Required | 3 Hrs for Each hr of Training Session |
Course Fees For Indian Residents |
INR 42,480 (Includes 18% GST) |