Why free TDLs
In our pursuit to provide best services to Tally users we have developed some generic TDLs/Add ons which are useful to general Tally users and are very small in nature. We provide this TDLs free to any Tally Users/Partners so that they can benefit from the same.
To find list of TDL Add ons avaiable for Free Click Here
Free Products

Print Horizontal Lines on Reports
This addon helps users to print horizontal lines/borders on every report. This utility enables users to print horizontal lines/borders on almost all reports in Tally.

Validate GSTIN Online
This is a free Tally Addon that validates GSTN Number Online when the user is creating a ledger in Tally or is creating a sales invoice or purchase invoice.
This utility helps users to validate GSTIN Entered on a Ledger or Voucher through an online portal. This helps the user to enter accurate GSTIN validating from GSTIN or GSP Service providers.

Ledger and Stock Item Import from Excel
This addon is helpful for all who are starting Tally fresh or migrating to Tally from other software. This utility helps to import Ledgers and Stock Items with relevant GST details. You can create your master data in excel as per the given links below and import the same into tally at a click of a button.
Download Excel Templates from the links below :

Block Vouchers without Inventory
With the advent of GST, it has become paramount to make correct entries especially entries involving inventories. This utility blocks entries without stock items in Sales, Purchase, Debit Note, Credit Note, Delivery Note and Receipt Notes.

Block Blank Narration in Vouchers
This addon is helpful for users who want that user should enter narration in vouchers. When you enable blocking of blank narration it does not allows user to keep narration blank.

Auto Adjust Pending Bills
ADDON c what happens is when you are creating the invoices or you are creating the purchases your outstanding is being reflected in the ageing incidentally and sometimes you have customers all vendors where you do not pay him bill wise while you pay a lump sum amount or you receive a lump sum amount now in this case this add-on is helpful as it adjusts your bills date-wise so older bills are registered.

Block on Account on Payment/Receipts
This utility blocks On Account entries on payments and receipts and the user is allowed to enter payments and receipts by entering reference New old stock only.

Print Username and Date Time on Reports
This addon allows user to print user name with date and time on all reports. This helps to identify who printed the report and on what date and time.

View HSN Code and Tax Rate in Sale/Purchase
This free add-on displays the HSN Code and Tax Rate of the item while making a Sales or Purchase invoice.
This free report helps the user to see the HSN Code and Tax rate of the item as defined in Tally. This helps in minimizing error while entering sales and purchase.

Detailed Balance Sheet
Tally Free Add on: Detailed Balance Sheet In Tally This addon helps users to view detailed balance sheet. In default tally when we see Balance Sheet Main Groups and their subgroups are shown with relevant values while details of ledgers of these subgroups are not shown. This addon helps to see a detailed balance sheet.

View Sales Purchase History in Sales/Purchase
The Free addon helps users to view item sales history which is the price at which an item has been sold previously to the same party or to all the parties.
This utility helps the user to view the Sales and Purchase History of a particular item by pressing F1 (Function Key). By Default Sales/Purchase history of the currently selected ledger is displayed option to view for all parties is also there.

Alert Before Credit Limit Exceeds
This addon enables the user to configure alerts for credit limit expiry. When the user sets a credit limit in Tally it warns when the credit limit exceeds, in this addon, you can configure %age on which the user will get an alert that %age of limit has exceeded. For example, if you set a credit limit of Rs 10,000 to a ledger and set a credit alert at 75% then when the credit limit crosses 7,500 Tally will alert the user that 75% of the credit limit has been exhausted for the particular ledger.

Voucher Type wise Godown
This add on helps the user to define godown at Voucher Type and while making entry into particular voucher type same godown is selected and the user cannot select any other godown in that Voucher Type.

Enhanced Field Widths for Better Visibility
This add on increases width of fields for better visibility in case fields are visible in compressed mode.

Print Address Envelope
This addon helps user to print address envelope from ledger vouchers an additional print for address print is available while viewing party ledger.

Free Quantity Report
This add on gives useful information about free quantities sold and received while making sales and purchases.
Free Addon, It is a free quantity report Now many of the users don't know that tally has the feature to offer a free quantity.

Dispatch Report from Sales Invoice
There are many fields entered in Dispatch details while making sales invoice these fields are not available in any report in Tally, this report displays all extra fields entered in the sales voucher.
So this small report is useful for viewing. The dispatch details of the sales invoice

Sales vs Collection Report
This report generates amount of sales done to party vs receipts received from party

Control Duplicate Bill No in Purchases
This add-on will restrict transactions when user enters same bill reference of purchase / expense from the same supplier / party which is already present in the books of accounts. This add-on also restricts duplicate references for all vouchers like Journal, Payment, etc.

Control Quantites against Sale/Purchase Orders
This feature restricts material inwards or material outward entries against Sale order/Purchase Order quantities, i.e., a user will not be allowed to enter more than order quantities.

Control Rates as per Sale/Purchase Orders
This addon restricts rates during material receipt / outward, i.e. a user will not able to change the rate during entry. The rate will be automatically fetched from orders.

Control Min Rate of Item in Sales Vouchers
This add-on restricts invoicing of a stock item below a specified minimum rate - you will not be able to bill a stock item below the rate predefined. To define minimum rates for the item user has to create pricelist "Min Rate" from where addon will check for minimum rates.

Additional Item Info while selecting Item
While selecting a stock item, this Add-on displays additional information in the item selector and will display the Group, Category and Stock-in-hand. This add on is use full for retail dealers to decide on alternate items to sell while invoicing.

Vouchers in Machine Date (System Date)| Free Tally Addons
In default Tally, whenever a user creates voucher, the voucher date comes from the last date of entry. This addon fetches date from System Date/Computer Date and voucher gets it by default.

Restrict Cash Transactions to a Limit
This add-on restricts Cash transactions to a limit specified by the user. This feature helps the user to control cash payments which are not allowed as per Income Tax rules.